Saturday, October 29, 2005

So you want to be an Apophysisist?

Especially for chloe (but of course, it's useful for any wannabe Apophysisist) a definitive starter list of Apophysis resources:

Apophysis official site
Apophysis latest beta version
Apophysis resources at deviantART
FracFan forum
Arcane Fractals
The Fractal Farm

Suggeted workflow:

  • Go to the official site and download version 2.02.

  • Study the (incomplete) help file and get to know the layout of the software.

  • Play about in the Editor window, manipulating the triangles manually.

  • Run through some of the tutorials - those at the Fractal Farm and Arcane Fractals are pretty good to start.

  • Use the resources at deviantART to go further.

  • Check out the FracFan forum.

  • Join the mailing list (from the official site). Warning: traffic can get heavy, up to 100 per day!

  • Become a beta tester by downloading the latest beta.

  • Get to know the alternative (external) rendering engine (comes packaged with the official release as hqi.exe, now called flam3). Allows for .png transparency, useful for custom backgrounds.

  • Obtain some decent image processing software for adding final touches. The GIMP has a bit of a learning curve, but it's FREE!
  • Tuesday, October 25, 2005

    Latest fractal: Music of three

    See Music of three at deviantART

    A complete change from my recent more 'organic' work, this time a graphical symphony.

    Apophysis and GIMP.

    52 Weeks to Make the World a Better Place: Week 44 - Take up a new interest/hobby/project

    Life seem stale and in a run? Miserable and lacking in energy all the time? Think of something you'd really like to do, be it a subject you'd like to know more about, or a personal project you'd like to undertake, whether practical or intellectual. Then make a plan to do it and get in there - you'll feel more fulfilled and that will have a positive effect on those around you, as ripples spread on a pond. Improving the world as a whole can often begin with improving your own!

    Saturday, October 22, 2005

    Latest fractal: Frost bites

    See Frost bites at deviantART

    Straight Apophysis flame, border and lettering by the GIMP.

    First render using the new density estimation algorithm in flam3 - I think the native focal contrast is a rather good feature.

    Full view absolutely essential! Click on the pic!

    Sunday, October 16, 2005

    Future sense and the search for the soul

    I've been ruminating on the manner in which we experience the world at large, and the manner in which we experience the world in our heads, what the philosophers would label 'phenomenal' and 'noumenal' - sensory input versus mental states. But first, a digression.

    If we consider our 5 basic modes of sensory input, they hardly constitute comprehensive coverage of the myriad possibilities of experiencing phenomena, yet they have evolved to fulfil our basic requirements and provide us with a means to 'get by' in the physical world.

    To further digress, I'm interested in the possibility of using some of our current senses in the manner in which we use others. As an example, I've tried what might be termed 'light music', not undemanding tunes but music composed only of light. I conjecture that as virtual reality technology further develops, it will be possible to experience a kind of touch-music, via controlled use of an all-over body-suit designed to stimulate the nerves in our skin. This could even be extended to symphonies of smell and taste with the correct technology, certainly once nanotechnology is more fully realised. I'm imagining an unobtrusive nasal insertion that releases controlled waves of molecules in sufficient concentration to be detected by our crude olfactory sense.

    But I wonder whether we will ever be able to interface with instruments capable of sensing, say, electrical fields and experience them in some way? Perhaps to integrate with sight data so that we can turn on the option of 'seeing' electrical fields present around objects. Again, this is only another form of sense data, and therefore belongs to the phenomenal world.

    So finally, we return to what can be our only experience of the noumenal world, that of the, for want of a more precise term, psychical landscape. Experience of the noumenal can only occur when the experiencer directly undergoes the experience, with no mediation which inevitably leads to the problem of interpretation. This now calls to discussion what is meant by the 'I', the self, that experiences. In everyday life, 'I' refers to the biological entity/thought process/self-awareness combo. Here, 'I' can only be the self-awareness part of this trinity of what constitutes a person. Perhaps this, stripped of the layers of intellect and body, is the soul?

    I believe that certain psychoactive compounds are able to, at least partially, unshackle what our senses and intellect have constrained, to open, in Huxley's phrase (borrowed from Blake), the "doors of perception" and allow us to 'see' so much more of the psychic landscape such that both sense data and 'otherworldly' perceptions can sit comfortably side-by-side in a new 'panception' of so much more than what we now see.

    Perhaps one day, or so I'd like to think, such experimentation with consciousness will be a routine aspect of a more enlightened lifestyle, freed forever from the slavery of work. But until then, it's left to the few brave psychonauts to risk the disapprobation of the establishment in order to research the very tools that threaten to undermine it. Go to it, and keep alive the hope of a better way!

    52 Weeks to Make the World a Better Place: Week 43 - Don't take the kids to McDonald's

    Coaching a young life through its formative years must be a daunting task to anyone who allows themselves to actually think about it. Some of the most difficult decisions must surely concern what values should be instilled. Unless your household runs a complete media blackout, chances are that the kids will demand to visit an establishment such as McDonald's (and I single it out merely for illustration). With peer pressure looming, it's difficult to say no, but no must be said if the meme of bland consumerist values is in any way to be kerbed. Taking such a stand will obviously have repercussions, but to dredge up a particularly threadbare adage, "no pain, no gain".

    Sunday, October 09, 2005

    52 Weeks to Make the World a Better Place: Week 42 - Install long-life light-bulbs

    OK, they cost somewhat more than the average budget (or even full-priced) light-bulb, but think for a moment: everyone these days is keen to 'invest', no doubt to prove what worthwhile citizens they are. A long-life light-bulb is just a small investment, but with added hidden benefits. Consideration of cost versus lifetime suggests that there's not much in it. But the energy use is around one-fifth of that of a normal light-bulb, plus it saves on the materials and manufacture of roughly a further nine such objects. Now that's got to be a bargain!

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    Website update

    Books: new Poem of the Month.

    Drink: Drink of the Month has a seasonal touch with Sourz Apple Liqueur.

    Food: new Recipe of the Month - Ful medames, a staple of the Middle East.

    Fractals: new Fractal of the Month.

    Garden: new Garden Tip and a further chapter in the major project of the year, 'A Year at Padley Wood' - this month, it's Early Autumn.

    Links: this month, Spotlight on (usually a site new to me, but could be an old favourite):

    The true spirit of the Internet: an online encyclopoedia that remains an ongoing project, forged by collaboration of many (thousands of?) individuals, and completely free. For those unfamiliar, a 'wiki' (derived from the Hawaiian 'wiki wiki' meaning 'quick') is an editable (in situ) website.

    52 Weeks to Make the World a Better Place: Week 41 - Invest in a 'Bag for Life'

    A very bad habit of vehicular supermarket shoppers (and that's an awful lot of people) is to pack the weekly shop into single-use free 'carrier bags' numbering into double figures. Some supermarkets offer a one-payment 'Bag for Life' that's somewhat stronger for multi-use purposes, and is replaced free of charge when it wears out. But if it doesn't, buy a sturdy canvas bag or three. Plastic carrier bags are becoming a particularly nasty source of environmental pollution, so a small outlay can make a big difference.

    Latest fractal: Supplication

    See Supplication at deviantART

    An older piece, dusted down and re-packaged.

    A very abstract representation of the symbolism of the act of supplication: a downward movement, as of kneeling; downcast attitude; and finally prostration before the superior.

    Made with Apophysis and the GIMP.

    52 Weeks to Make the World a Better Place: Week 40 - Reduce food air miles: cook seasonally

    As we approach a change of season, we should look forward with some relish to its particular associations, not least of which is what we eat. As domestically-grown summer crops (those Mediterranean vegetables, for instance) exhaust their glut, they are sourced from further afield and begin to add air miles. By eating domestically-grown food seasonally, this problem is reduced somewhat. You needn't give up international cooking, just build it around a core of more seasonal habits.

    More information