Monday, December 19, 2005

52 Weeks to Make the World a Better Place: Week 52 - Expand your mind

In view of my previous post, the title may take on a rather different meaning to that intended. Fear not, and read on. The suggestion is to read books! Not newspapers (at best depressing, at worst a pack of lies designed to manipulate the idiot minds of fools), nor magazines (practically all general interest magazines are now so dumbed-down that one wonders what happened to the lower end of the market - until one tentatively turns the pages...), but books. And good books, too. Not pointless page-turners whose plots a child could predict, nor dry old tomes that could anaesthetise even the dustiest dons, but stories of vitality whose words shine with possibility, poetry anthologies that drip with tear-inducing beauty or inspiring explications on some of the more wonderful aspects of world. Clothes maketh the man? Books maketh the mind!


Blogger x said...

Merry Christmas friend!

5:45 pm  

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